Our Values

·         We are proud of our careful approach to customer service.

·         We’re excited to be able to provide our customers with a solution that meets their needs.

·         We work hard to maintain high ethical standards and to do what’s right for our customers.


At Octagon Development, we take a great deal of pride in our certifications and have worked hard to earn them and nurture the partnerships that accompany them. They represent our commitment to excellence in home construction and ensure that national standards are not only met, but exceeded.

This certification is a province-wide program offering builders and developers a special distinction for meeting strict standards in home construction.

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The Certificate of Recognition program (COR™) is an occupational health and safety accreditation program that verifies a fully implemented safety & health program which meets national standards.

An industry-endorsed technical performance standard for energy efficiency, indoor air tightness quality, and environmental responsibility in home construction.
